Building Web Server with CentOS 7 #5 : Installation phpMyAdmin

Building Web Server with CentOS 7 #5 : Installation phpMyAdmin

Install phpMyAdmin with the following command.

yum install phpmyadmin

Edit the phpMyAdmin configuration file, the edits will ensure that you can access your phpMyAdmin client remotely. We will open the phpMyAdmin.conf file located in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory using the vi editor.

vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf

Here you will see four different require ip strings that match the long IP. The default value is Replace this value with the device IP that you will use to access phpMyAdmin.

Baca Lainnya :

You can see an example of the phpMyAdmin.conf file below.

Restart the Apache web server.

systemctl restart httpd.service

Finally, open the phpMyAdmin utility by entering your server's IP address in the address bar of the browser with the extra string /phpmyadmin like – your_ip/phpmyadmin. After that, you will see the login screen.

That's a short article about Building Web Server with CentOS 7 #5: Installing phpMyAdmin I hope this will be useful for all readers.

SIM Team Team Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) Universitas Islam Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri.