How to Install the Print Barcode Label Plugin on SLiMS 9 BULIAN

This plugin is used in accordance with library standards in Indonesia to mark the collection of books in the library.
Open the submenu.php file in the following directory.
Add the following script on line 40.
Baca Lainnya :$menu[] = array(__('Label Barcodes Printing'), MWB.'bibliography/label_barcode_generator.php', __('Print Label Barcode'));
Create a file named label_barcode_generator.php in the directory.
And copy the following code into the file.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Arie Nugraha (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* Item barcode print */
// key to authenticate
define('INDEX_AUTH', '1');
// main system configuration
require '../../../';
// IP based access limitation
require LIB.'';
// start the session
require SB.'admin/default/';
require SIMBIO.'simbio_GUI/table/';
require SIMBIO.'simbio_GUI/form_maker/';
require SIMBIO.'simbio_GUI/paging/';
require SIMBIO.'simbio_DB/datagrid/';
require SIMBIO.'simbio_DB/';
// privileges checking
$can_read = utility::havePrivilege('bibliography', 'r');
if (!$can_read) {
die('<div class="errorBox">'.__('You are not authorized to view this section').'</div>');
$max_print = 24;
if (isset($_POST['itemID']) AND !empty($_POST['itemID']) AND isset($_POST['itemAction'])) {
if (!$can_read) {
if (!is_array($_POST['itemID'])) {
// make an array
$_POST['itemID'] = array((integer)$_POST['itemID']);
// loop array
if (isset($_SESSION['barcodes'])) {
$print_count = count($_SESSION['barcodes']);
} else {
$print_count = 0;
// barcode size
$size = 2;
// create AJAX request
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.JWB.'jquery.js"></script>';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
// loop array
foreach ($_POST['itemID'] as $itemID) {
if ($print_count == $max_print) {
$limit_reach = true;
if (isset($_SESSION['barcodes'][$itemID])) {
if (!empty($itemID)) {
$barcode_text = trim($itemID);
/* replace space */
$barcode_text = str_replace(array(' ', '/', '\/'), '_', $barcode_text);
/* replace invalid characters */
$barcode_text = str_replace(array(':', ',', '*', '@'), '', $barcode_text);
// send ajax request
echo 'jQuery.ajax({ url: \''.SWB.'lib/phpbarcode/barcode.php?code='.$itemID.'&encoding='.$sysconf['barcode_encoding'].'&scale='.$size.'&mode=png\', type: \'GET\', error: function() { alert(\'Error creating barcode!\'); } });'."\n";
// add to sessions
$_SESSION['barcodes'][$itemID] = $itemID;
echo 'top.$(\'#queueCount\').html(\''.$print_count.'\')';
echo '</script>';
// update print queue count object
if (isset($limit_reach)) {
$msg = str_replace('{max_print}', $max_print, __('Selected items NOT ADDED to print queue. Only {max_print} can be printed at once'));
} else {
utility::jsAlert(__('Selected items added to print queue'));
// clean print queue
if (isset($_GET['action']) AND $_GET['action'] == 'clear') {
// update print queue count object
echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.$(\'#queueCount\').html(\'0\');</script>';
utility::jsAlert(__('Print queue cleared!'));
// barcode pdf download
if (isset($_GET['action']) AND $_GET['action'] == 'print') {
// check if label session array is available
if (!isset($_SESSION['barcodes'])) {
utility::jsAlert(__('There is no data to print!'));
if (count($_SESSION['barcodes']) < 1) {
utility::jsAlert(__('There is no data to print!'));
// concat all ID together
$item_ids = '';
foreach ($_SESSION['barcodes'] as $id) {
$item_ids .= '\''.$id.'\',';
// strip the last comma
$item_ids = substr_replace($item_ids, '', -1);
// send query to database
$item_q = $dbs->query('SELECT b.title, i.item_code, b.call_number, b.call_number FROM item AS i
LEFT JOIN biblio AS b ON i.biblio_id=b.biblio_id
WHERE i.item_code IN('.$item_ids.')');
$item_data_array = array();
while ($item_d = $item_q->fetch_row()) {
if ($item_d[0]) {
$item_data_array[] = $item_d;
// include printed settings configuration file
require SB.'admin'.DS.'admin_template'.DS.'';
// check for custom template settings
$custom_settings = SB.'admin'.DS.$sysconf['admin_template']['dir'].DS.$sysconf['template']['theme'].DS.'';
if (file_exists($custom_settings)) {
include $custom_settings;
// load print settings from database to override value from printed_settings file
loadPrintSettings($dbs, 'barcode');
// chunk barcode array
$chunked_barcode_arrays = array_chunk($item_data_array, $sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_items_per_row']);
$lebar = $sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_box_width'];
$tinggi = $sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_box_height'];
$barcode = $sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_coll_size'];
$border = $sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_border_size'];
$header_color = array(0=>"#0080C0",1=>"#FFFF00",2=>"#0033CC",3=>"#80FFFF",4=>"#0080FF",5=>"#FF80C0",6=>"#33FF00",7=>"#FF0000",8=>"#C0C0C0",9=>"#8000FF");
$text_color = array(0=>"#000",1=>"#FFF",2=>"000",3=>"#000",4=>"#000",5=>"#000",6=>"#000",7=>"#000",8=>"#000",9=>"#000");
// create html ouput
$html_str = '<!DOCTYPE html>'."\n";
$html_str .= '<html><head><title>Item Barcode Label Print Result</title>'."\n";
$html_str .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />';
$html_str .= '<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" /><meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0" /><meta http-equiv="Expires" content="Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" />';
$html_str .= '<style type="text/css">'."\n";
$html_str .= 'body { padding: 0; margin: 1cm; font-family: '.$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_fonts'].'; font-size: '.$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_font_size'].'pt; background: #fff; }'."\n";
$html_str .= '.box{ width: '.$lebar.'cm; height: '.$tinggi.'cm; border: solid '.$border.'px grey;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.header{ border-bottom: solid '.$border.'px grey; text-align: center; height: auto; position: relative; padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; top: -'.$tinggi.'cm;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.barcode{ width: '.$barcode.'cm; height: '.$tinggi.'cm; text-align: center;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.callNum{ font-size: 20px; text-align: center; position: relative; top: -'.$tinggi.'cm; padding-top: 10px;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.cc{ height: '.$barcode.'cm; width: '.$tinggi.'cm; -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);transform: rotate(90deg); position: absolute; margin-top: '.(($tinggi-$barcode)/2).'cm;margin-left: -'.(($tinggi-$barcode)/2).'cm;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.cw{ width: '.$tinggi.'cm; height: '.$barcode.'cm; -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); transform: rotate(-90deg); position: absolute; margin-top: '.(($tinggi-$barcode)/2).'cm; margin-left: -'.(($tinggi-$barcode)/2).'cm;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.r > .barcode{ margin-left: '.($lebar-$barcode).'cm; border-left: solid '.$border.'px grey;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.r > .header{ margin-left: 0px; width: '.($lebar-$barcode).'cm;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.r > .callNum{ margin-left: 0px; width: '.($lebar-$barcode).'cm;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.l > .barcode{ margin-left: 0px; border-right: solid '.$border.'px grey;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.l > .header{ margin-left: '.$barcode.'cm; width: '.($lebar-$barcode).'cm;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.l > .callNum{ margin-left: '.$barcode.'cm; width: '.($lebar-$barcode).'cm;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '.img_code{ width: '.$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_scale'].'%; height:75%; padding:-5px; border:0px }'."\n";
$html_str .= '.title{ font-size:8pt;}'."\n";
$html_str .= '</style>'."\n";
$html_str .= '</head>'."\n";
$html_str .= '<body>'."\n";
$html_str .= '<a href="#" onclick="window.print()">Print Again</a>'."\n";
$html_str .= '<table cellspacing="'.$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_items_margin'].'" cellpadding="2">'."\n";
// loop the chunked arrays to row
foreach ($chunked_barcode_arrays as $barcode_rows) {
$html_str .= '<tr>'."\n";
foreach ($barcode_rows as $barcode) {
$html_str .= '<td><div class="box '.$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_position'].'">'."\n";
$html_str .= '<div class="barcode">'."\n";
$html_str .= '<div class="'.$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_rotate'].'">'."\n";
$title_cut = strlen($barcode[0])>$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_cut_title']?substr($barcode[0], 0,$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_cut_title']).' ...':$barcode[0];
$html_str .= '<div class="title">'.$title_cut.'</div>'."\n";
$html_str .= '<img class="img_code" src="'.SWB.IMG.'/barcodes/'.str_replace(array(' '), '_', $barcode[1]).'.png"/></div>'."\n";
$html_str .= '</div>'."\n";
$html_str .= '<div class="header" style="background-color:'.$header_color[substr($barcode[3],0,1)].';color: '.$text_color[substr($barcode[3],0,1)].';text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: bold;z-index:-2;">'.($sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_header_text']?$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_header_text']:$sysconf['library_name']).'</div>'."\n";
$html_str .= '<div class="callNum">'."\n";
$callnumb = $barcode[3]==''?$barcode[2]:$barcode[3];
$cn = explode(" ", $callnumb);
foreach ($cn as $key=>$val) {
$html_str .= '<b>'.strtoupper($val).'</b><br/>'; }
$html_str .= $val.'<br/>'; }
$html_str .= '</div>'."\n";
$html_str .= '</div>'."\n";
$html_str .= '</td>'."\n";
$html_str .= '</tr>'."\n";
$html_str .= '</table>'."\n";
$html_str .= '<script type="text/javascript">self.print();</script>'."\n";
$html_str .= '</body></html>'."\n";
// unset the session
// write to file
$print_file_name = 'item_barcode_gen_print_result_'.strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $_SESSION['uname'])).'.html';
$file_write = @file_put_contents(UPLOAD.$print_file_name, $html_str);
if ($file_write) {
// update print queue count object
echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.$(\'#queueCount\').html(\'0\');</script>';
// open result in window
echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.$.colorbox({href: "'.SWB.FLS.'/'.$print_file_name.'", iframe: true, width: 800, height: 500, title: "'.__('Cetak Label Barcode Warna Oleh Heru Subekti , Modifikasi Oleh M.Zaemakhrus').'"})</script>';
} else { utility::jsAlert('ERROR! Item barcodes failed to generate, possibly because '.SB.FLS.' directory is not writable'); }
<fieldset class="menuBox">
<div class="menuBoxInner printIcon">
<div class="per_title">
<h2><?php echo __('Cetak Label Barcode Warna'); ?></h2>
<div class="sub_section">
<div class="btn-group">
<a target="blindSubmit" href="<?php echo MWB; ?>bibliography/label_barcode_generator.php?action=clear" class="notAJAX btn btn-default"><?php echo __('Clear Print Queue'); ?></a>
<a target="blindSubmit" href="<?php echo MWB; ?>bibliography/label_barcode_generator.php?action=print" class="notAJAX btn btn-success"><?php echo __('Print Barcodes for Selected Data');?></a>
<a href="<?php echo MWB; ?>bibliography/pop_print_settings.php?type=barcode" class="notAJAX btn btn-default openPopUp" title="<?php echo __('Change print barcode settings'); ?>"><?php echo __('Change print barcode settings');?></a>
<form name="search" action="<?php echo MWB; ?>bibliography/label_barcode_generator.php" id="search" method="get" style="display: inline;"><?php echo __('Search'); ?> :
<input type="text" name="keywords" size="30" />
<input type="submit" id="doSearch" value="<?php echo __('Search'); ?>" class="btn btn-default" />
<div class="infoBox">
echo __('Maximum').' <font style="color: #f00">'.$max_print.'</font> '.__('records can be printed at once. Currently there is').' ';
if (isset($_SESSION['barcodes'])) {
echo '<font id="queueCount" style="color: #f00">'.count($_SESSION['barcodes']).'</font>';
} else { echo '<font id="queueCount" style="color: #f00">0</font>'; }
echo ' '.__('in queue waiting to be printed.');
/* search form end */
// create datagrid
$datagrid = new simbio_datagrid();
require SIMBIO.'simbio_UTILS/';
require LIB.'';
// index choice
if ($sysconf['index']['type'] == 'index' || ($sysconf['index']['type'] == 'sphinx' && file_exists(LIB.'sphinx/sphinxapi.php'))) {
if ($sysconf['index']['type'] == 'sphinx') {
require LIB.'sphinx/sphinxapi.php';
require LIB.'';
} else {
require LIB.'';
// table spec
$table_spec = 'item LEFT JOIN search_biblio AS `index` ON item.biblio_id=`index`.biblio_id';
'item.item_code AS \''.__('Item Code').'\'',
'index.title AS \''.__('Title').'\'',
'index.call_number \''.__('Call Number').'\'',
'item.last_update AS \''.__('Last Update').'\'');
} else {
require LIB.'';
// table spec
$table_spec = 'item LEFT JOIN biblio ON item.biblio_id=biblio.biblio_id';
'item.item_code AS \''.__('Item Code').'\'',
'biblio.title AS \''.__('Title').'\'',
'biblio.call_number \''.__('Call Number').'\'',
'item.last_update AS \''.__('Last Update').'\'');
$datagrid->setSQLorder('item.last_update DESC');
// is there any search
if (isset($_GET['keywords']) AND $_GET['keywords']) {
$keywords = $dbs->escape_string(trim($_GET['keywords']));
$searchable_fields = array('title', 'author', 'subject', 'itemcode');
$search_str = '';
// if no qualifier in fields
if (!preg_match('@[a-z]+\s*=\s*@i', $keywords)) {
foreach ($searchable_fields as $search_field) {
$search_str .= $search_field.'='.$keywords.' OR ';
} else {
$search_str = $keywords;
$biblio_list = new biblio_list($dbs, 24);
$criteria = $biblio_list->setSQLcriteria($search_str);
if (isset($criteria)) {
// set table and table header attributes
$datagrid->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
$datagrid->table_header_attr = 'class="dataListHeader" style="font-weight: bold;"';
// edit and checkbox property
$datagrid->edit_property = false;
$datagrid->chbox_property = array('itemID', __('Add'));
$datagrid->chbox_action_button = __('Add To Print Queue');
$datagrid->chbox_confirm_msg = __('Add to print queue?');
$datagrid->column_width = array('10%', '60%');
// set checkbox action URL
$datagrid->chbox_form_URL = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
// put the result into variables
$datagrid_result = $datagrid->createDataGrid($dbs, $table_spec, 24, $can_read);
if (isset($_GET['keywords']) AND $_GET['keywords']) {
$msg = str_replace('{result->num_rows}', $datagrid->num_rows, __('Found <strong>{result->num_rows}</strong> from your keywords'));
echo '<div class="infoBox">'.$msg.' : "'.$_GET['keywords'].'"<div>'.__('Query took').' <b>'.$datagrid->query_time.'</b> '.__('second(s) to complete').'</div></div>';
echo $datagrid_result;
/* main content end */
Open the print_settings.php file in the following directory.
Add the following script starting at line 124.
$measure['print']['barcode']['barcode_coll_size'] = __('(cm)');
$measure['print']['barcode']['barcode_position'] = __('(l atau r)');
$measure['print']['barcode']['barcode_rotate'] = __('(cc atau cw)');
Open the file in the following directory.
Change all scripts as below, copy and paste.
* SENAYAN application printable data configuration
* Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Arie Nugraha (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Function to load and override print settings from database
function loadPrintSettings($dbs, $type) {
global $sysconf;
$barcode_settings_q = $dbs->query("SELECT setting_value FROM setting WHERE setting_name='".$type."_print_settings'");
if ($barcode_settings_q->num_rows) {
$barcode_settings_d = $barcode_settings_q->fetch_row();
if ($barcode_settings_d[0]) {
$barcode_settings = @unserialize($barcode_settings_d[0]);
if (is_array($barcode_settings) && count($barcode_settings) > 0) {
foreach ($barcode_settings as $setting_name => $val) {
$sysconf['print'][$type][$setting_name] = $val;
return $sysconf['print'][$type];
// label print settings
/* measurement in cm */
$sysconf['print']['label']['page_margin'] = 0.2;
$sysconf['print']['label']['items_per_row'] = 3;
$sysconf['print']['label']['items_margin'] = 0.05;
$sysconf['print']['label']['box_width'] = 8;
$sysconf['print']['label']['box_height'] = 3.3;
$sysconf['print']['label']['include_header_text'] = 1; // change to 0 if dont want to use header in each label
$sysconf['print']['label']['header_text'] = ''; // keep empty if you want to use Library Name as a header text
$sysconf['print']['label']['fonts'] = "Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, 'Trebuchet MS'";
$sysconf['print']['label']['font_size'] = 11;
$sysconf['print']['label']['border_size'] = 1; // in pixels
// item barcode print settings
/* measurement in cm */
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_page_margin'] = 0.2;
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_items_per_row'] = 3;
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_items_margin'] = 0.1;
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_box_width'] = 7;
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_box_height'] = 5;
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_include_header_text'] = 1; // change to 0 if dont want to use header in each barcode
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_cut_title'] = 50; // maximum characters in title to appear in each barcode. change to 0 if you dont want the title cutted
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_header_text'] = ''; // keep empty if you want to use Library Name as a header text
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_fonts'] = "Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, 'Trebuchet MS'"; // font to use
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_font_size'] = 11;
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_scale'] = 70; // barcode scale in percent relative to box width and height
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_border_size'] = 1; // in pixels
//add by heru 2015
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_coll_size'] = 1; // in pixels
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_position'] = 'l'; // left or right
$sysconf['print']['barcode']['barcode_rotate'] = 'cc'; // cc or cw
// barcode generator print settings
$sysconf['print']['barcodegen']['box_width'] = 6;
$sysconf['print']['barcodegen']['page_margin'] = 0.2;
$sysconf['print']['barcodegen']['items_margin'] = 0.05;
$sysconf['print']['barcodegen']['include_border'] = 0;
$sysconf['print']['barcodegen']['items_per_row'] = 3;
/* Receipt Printing */
$sysconf['print']['receipt']['receipt_width'] = '15cm';
$sysconf['print']['receipt']['receipt_font'] = 'serif';
$sysconf['print']['receipt']['receipt_color'] = '#000';
$sysconf['print']['receipt']['receipt_margin'] = '5px';
$sysconf['print']['receipt']['receipt_padding'] = '5px';
$sysconf['print']['receipt']['receipt_border'] = '1px dashed #000';
$sysconf['print']['receipt']['receipt_fontSize'] = '7pt';
$sysconf['print']['receipt']['receipt_header_fontSize'] = '8pt';
$sysconf['print']['receipt']['receipt_titleLength'] = 100;
// member card print settings
/* measurement in cm */
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['page_margin'] = 0.2;
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['items_margin'] = 0.1;
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['items_per_row'] = 1; //
// by Jushadi Arman Saz
/* measurement in cm*/
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['factor'] = "37.795275591"; //cm to px
// Items Settings
// change to 0 if dont want to use selected items
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['include_id_label'] = 1; // no anggota
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['include_name_label'] = 1; // nama anggota
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['include_pin_label'] = 1; // no identitas
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['include_inst_label'] = 0; // institusi
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['include_email_label'] = 0; // email
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['include_address_label'] = 1; // alamat
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['include_barcode_label'] = 1; // barcode
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['include_expired_label'] = 1; // expired
// Cardbox Settings
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['box_width'] = 8.6;
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['box_height'] = 5.4;
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['front_side_image'] = 'membercard_background.jpg';
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['back_side_image'] = 'membercard_background.jpg';
// Logo Setting
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['logo'] = "logo.png";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['front_logo_width'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['front_logo_height'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['front_logo_left'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['front_logo_top'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['back_logo_width'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['back_logo_height'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['back_logo_left'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['back_logo_top'] = "";
// Photo Settings
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['photo_left'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['photo_top'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['photo_width'] = 1.5;
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['photo_height'] = 1.8;
// Header Settings
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['front_header1_text'] = 'Library Member Card'; // use <br /> tag to make another line
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['front_header1_font_size'] = '12';
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['front_header2_text'] = 'My Library';
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['front_header2_font_size'] = '12';
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['back_header1_text'] = 'My Library';
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['back_header1_font_size'] = "12";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['back_header2_text'] = 'My Library Full Address and Website';
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['back_header2_font_size'] = "5";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['header_color'] = "#0066FF"; //e.g. :#0066FF, green, etc.
//biodata settings
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['bio_font_size'] = "11";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['bio_font_weight'] = "bold";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['bio_label_width'] = "100";
// Stamp Settings
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['city'] = "City Name";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['title'] = "Library Manager";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['officials'] = "Librarian Name";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['officials_id'] = "Librarian ID";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['stamp_file'] = "stamp.png"; // stamp image, use transparent image
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['signature_file'] = "signature.png"; // sign picture, use transparent image
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['stamp_left'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['stamp_top'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['stamp_width'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['stamp_height'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['exp_left'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['exp_top'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['exp_width'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['exp_height'] = "";
// Barcode Setting
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['barcode_scale'] = 100; // barcode scale in percent relative to box width and height
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['barcode_left'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['barcode_top'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['barcode_width'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['barcode_height'] = "";
// Rules
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['rules'] = "<ul>
<li>This card is published by Library.</li>
<li>Please return this card to its owner if you found it.</li>
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['rules_font_size'] = "8";
// address
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['address'] = 'My Library<br />website:, email :';
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['address_font_size'] = "7";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['address_left'] = "";
$sysconf['print']['membercard']['address_top'] = "";
Enter the BULIAN SLiMS admin page then open the Bibliography menu, see the changes and select the Print Barcode Label Menu.
Printing settings with data as follows.
Try printing the data and see the results.
That's a short article about How to Install the Print Barcode Label Plugin on SLiMS 9 BULIAN I hope this will be useful for all readers.